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CIA™ Corporate Identity Assessment

A strong corporate name - or masterbrand - can be the ultimate competitive weapon. As the driver that can help or hinder the individual branding efforts within an organization, a corporate identity must be managed well in order to fully realize the potential of all of a company's brands.

Keen Branding utilizes its proprietary CIA™ methodology to rigorously assess corporate identities so to provide our clients with a complete understanding of their masterbrands and how to maximize its value. We speak directly with the broad groups across the various channels who impact a corporation, including current and potential customers, employees, partners and other vendors, investors and the financial markets. We then go beyond the standard assessment of perceptions, strengths and weaknesses to fully ascertain how to best position a corporate identity relative to its competitors on a global basis and to build the strong emotional associations that all successful corporations have. Our CIA™ process also helps to identify the strongest messages for a corporation as well as the effectiveness of the company's communications.

The result will be a recognized, respected and trusted corporate identity that supports the objectives for the corporation and its brands and that is well-positioned for both good and challenging times.